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Krantenartikelen / Articles, The New York Times and Others
The New York Times, December 5, 1895, Saturday

One Freed at Ellis Island, the Other to Return ou La Herbaye.

On the French ( Dutch --AAV ) tank steamship La Hesbaye, which arrived from Antwerp yesterday, were two grimy stowaways who had worked their way from that port. Capt. Eckhoff, whom the ship was off Ellis Island, had the men heavily ironed, put on the tug "Louis Pulver", and sent to Ellis Island.
They were Constantine Peppers, twenty-three years old, and Joseph Platteau, twenty-four years old.
They were taken before Assistant Commissioner of Immigration McSweeney. Peppers had a badly torn and very dirty certificate of naturalization in his pocket. Capt. Eckhoff knew this when the men were put in irons. When Mr. McSweeney saw them, he said to the assistant in charge: " Has this man committed any crime?".
"He is simply a stowaway", said the assistant.
"Well" said Mr. McSweeney, "take those irons off that man's hands. We don't want an American citizen hand-cuffed on this island. Was it necessary that you should do this?".
"Yes" said the assistant; "we are responsible in the sum of $ 500 each for these men, and have to take care that they do not get away".
Their hands were then released, and the men were sent before the Board of Inquiry. Peppers was discharg-ed. Platteau was detained, and will go back on the La Hesbaye.