Auke Visser's International Super Tankers     |   home
VLCC - TANKERS - INDEX Original name beginning with D
Updated photos VLCC's D
May 24th, 20234 :
Davar    ( Last photo )
Degas    ( Last photo )
Diodorus    ( Last photo )
Front Morgan    ( 2 photos + data )

April, 20234 :
Sadly, no updates

March 29th, 20234 :
Diodorus    ( 5 photos + data )
Front Neiden   ( No photo + data )

October - February, 2023/4 :
Sadly, no updates

September 4th, 2023 :
More photos "Delos (4)"    ( 5 photos )

August 5th, 2023 :
Delos (3)    ( Last photo )
Delos (4)    ( First photo )
Delos (4)    ( Second photo )
Delos (4)    ( Third photo )
Delos (4)    ( Last photo )
Removed wrong photo from page : Davar ( Last photo, was in fact the "Dadgar", third photo )

July 10th, 2023 :
Dalma    ( Second photo )
Delos (3)    ( Third photo )
Delos (3)    ( Fourth photo )
Olympic Lion    ( First photo )
Olympic Lion    ( Second photo )

June 29th, 2023 :
Dadgar    ( Last photo )
Degas    ( First photo )
Desh Vibhor    ( Second photo )
Desh Vibhor    ( Third photo )
Desh Vibhor    ( Last photo )

May, 2023 :
Sadly, no updates

April 4th, 2023 :
Dan    ( First photo )
Daniel    ( First photo )
More photos "DHT Bronco"    ( 3 photos )

March, 2023 :
Sadly, no updates

February 25th, 2023 :
Dan    ( 2 photos )
DHT Colt    ( First photo )
DHT Jaguar    ( First photo )
DHT Panther    ( First photo )
Olympic Lion    ( First photo )

January, 2023 :
Sadly, no updates

December 31st, 2022 :
Blue Nova    ( First photo )
Blue Nova    ( Second photo )
Daisen    ( Third photo )
More photos "Olympic Lion"    ( 2 photos )

November 31st, 2022 :
Renewed !!

This site is completely Renewed, with only VLCC-tankers, starting with their original First name, with D.
Older updates deleted !