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Building the "Dagmar Maersk - Part-1
All photos thanks to NDSM-Werfmuseum
Tanker, building number 539, 1969.
Client: Rederiet AP Møller, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Dimensions: 325.30 x 47.17 x 24.50 meters.
Launching Aft ship on 25-1-1969,
Launching Fore ship on 12-4-1969,
Launched of way 2/3. Delivered on 21-8-1969.
A poop in the making.
Broaching the stern.
Maindeck aft ship.
The stern seen shortly before launch on the port side.
The stern has since left the ramp and the bow will follow soon.
The bow in anticipation of the launch.
And that moment takes place here.
And that moment takes place here.
All photos thanks to NDSM-Werfmuseum