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Building the "Dagmar Maersk - Part-2
All photos thanks to NDSM-Werfmuseum
Foreship after launch.
The coming together, a technical tour where NDSM was famous for worldwide.
The beating heart, the propulsion system, partly visible.
One of the anchors of the Dagmar Maersk manufactured by the Koninklijke Grofsmederij, Leiden.
Weight 13500 kilos.
Leaving the yard to Rotterdam.
The large lock in IJmuiden on the way to Rotterdam.
The large lock in IJmuiden on the way to Rotterdam. The mirror is still listed as Amsterdam home port.
The wheelhouse interior.
Arriving in Botlek, Rotterdam, for further finishing the underwater hull.
The new Dagmar Maersk.
"Dagmar Maersk".
All photos thanks to NDSM-Werfmuseum