GAS-Carriers E - H > 50,000 CBM ( Part - 2 )
El Paso Paul Kayser
Film - El Paso Paul Kayser
Thanks by Stirling Brooks, 9-25-1978

The following movie can be seen on YouTube ;

Click on the titel to see the film, to return use your Back Button.

Comment by Stirling Brooks ;
It was my great pleasure in September 1978 to shoot a short 16mm film of the LNG tanker, El Paso Paul Kayser
as she made her maiden voyage from Algeria to the United States delivering her first load of LNG.

My film was transferred to video tape in 1978 and after 30 years, the magnetic media on the tape deteriorated and
the resolution, clarity and color have suffered greatly, but if you are interested in seeing this ship, please click on this
link. To me, having grown up in El Paso, Texas (a desert region in the Southwest USA) ... it was very exciting for me
to see this magnificent ship coming in from the Atlantic with the "e" logo (standing for my hometown El Paso.)

Sadly, she and her 4 sister ships were either scrapped or re-fitted for other missions within a couple of years after they
began service.

Here is the link. I would appreciate your comments you might have. Please leave them on my YouTube video.