Auke Visser's International Super Tankers     |   home
VLCC - TANKERS - INDEX Original name beginning with K
Updated photos VLCC's K
July 24th, 2024 :
B Elephant    ( First photo )
B Elephant    ( Second photo )
B Elephant    ( Third photo )
Cathay Kirin    ( 1 photo )
Rene    ( First photo )

April - June, 2024 :
Sadly, no updates.

March 27th, 2024 :
Kirkuk    ( First photo )
Kirkuk    ( Second photo )
Kirkuk    ( Third photo )
Kirkuk    ( Fourth photo )
Moved 5 older photos from page : Kirkuk to new page : More photos "Kirkuk"

February 5th, 2024 :
Kahla    ( Last photo )
Sea trail photos "Kokkari"    ( 3 photos )

Octomber - January, 2023/4 :
Sadly, no updates.

September 8th, 2023 :
Kashimasan    ( Second photo )
Kashimasan    ( Fourth photo )
More photos "Kou-Ei"    ( 3 photos )

August 18th, 2023 :
More photos "Kashimasan"    ( 5 photos )

July 1st, 2023 :
Kahla    ( First photo )
Moved 5 older photos from page : Kahla to new page : More photos "Kahla"
Kalliopi    ( First photo )
Kanayama    ( 2 photos )
Kashimasan    ( Second photo )
Kashimasan    ( Third photo )
Kashimasan    ( Last Photo )
L Elephant    ( First photo )
L Elephant    ( Second photo )

June - May, 2023 :
Sadly, no updates.

April 28th, 2023 :
Eurodestiny    ( First photo )
Eurodestiny    ( Second photo )
Kalliopi    ( First photo )
Kalliopi    ( Second photo )
Lila Saka    ( No photo + data )
Tema    ( 1 photo + data )
Cathay Kirin    ( No photo + data )
Moved 5 older photos from page : Kisogawa to new page : More photos "Kisogawa"
Kisogawa    ( First photo )
Kisogawa    ( Second photo )
Kisogawa    ( Last photo )

March - February, 2023 :
Sadly, no updates.

January 29th, 2023 :
Kalliopi    ( Last photo )
Kazimah III    ( First photo )
KHK Empress    ( Third photo )
Khurais    ( First photo )
Khurais    ( Second photo )

December , 2022 :
Sadly, no updates.

November 31st, 2022 :
Renewed !!

This site is completely Renewed, with only VLCC-tankers, starting with their original First name, with K.
Older updates deleted !